RCN Workshop 2

Can NEON Advance Organismal Biology?


June 13-16 2023

Archbold Biological Station, Florida

  • This workshop will continue to analyze the questions on organismal biology that can be addressed by NEON identified in the previous workshop.

    NEON has a number of focal taxa (fish, plants, ticks, mosquitoes, beetles, and small mammals) towards which most surveillance and collection efforts are directed. Though other taxa are considered, the aforementioned taxa garner much more attention. This workshop will gather a group of scientists with diverse expertise to address the following objectives:

    1.) Establish taxanomic working groups to examine the potential for NEON to address outstanding questions in organismal biology.

    2.) Develop a plan for a grant proposal or analysis of existence NEON data.

  • This workshop at Archbold is intended to foster research in focal taxa in NEON, along with the following objectives:

    1.) Continue to Establish the RCN.

    -Establish the RCN within the scientific community.
    -Make new conncetions among current and past RCN participants.

    -Enable participants to learn more about NEON.

    2.) Plan trainee exchanges within the RCN.
    -Facilitate travel between labs to learn techniques, brainsorm idea, or collect and anlyze data.

    -Lab exchanges will foster aforementioned objectives and augment the training and networking experiences of junior RCN members.

    3.) Spread word about NEON.

    -Share existing resources (posters, flyers).

    -Develop other, orignal approaches.

  • This workshop will be held late June 2023. We will be staying at Archbold Biological Station (https://www.archbold-station.org/) in the headwaters of the Everglades.

  • Workshop will be held June 13-16th, 2023.
    Participants should plan to fly into Ft. Myers, where transportation will be arranged to Archbold Biological Station.